I’ve reworked one of my twitter threads on trade into a post for the LSE’s Brexit blog. I argue that the kind of Brexit being advocated both on the left and the right of British politics is unrealistic given the way international trade works in the modern world. The public are being missold Brexit by both camps. Read the whole thing on the LSE’s site, here.

Chris just to let you know that I have linked to your LSE post here: http://www.progressivepulse.org/brexit/ireland-as-cyprus-rather-than-germany/ and thanks again for your efforts
The NI economy is not doing well but Bombardier is pretty much the jewel in its crown so to speak. The article argues that The South of Ireland might not agree to reunification even though the North might want it – like the Cyprus case.
Thanks Sean. That the Republic might be reluctant to reunify is an angle I hadn’t considered!